Oct 26, 2015; 21:07
Justin Dennis
Our Increasingly Complex Apps Need Testing
All -
We are approaching the edge of a cliff in productivity because our apps are
increasing in complexity and small feature tweaks require such a
disproportionately large amount of time to test that we... seem to be
testing in production because live failures are "cheaper" than the amount
of time it would take to thoroughly test.
I know this is appalling.
Does anyone have any recommendations for unit or integration testing with
Lasso? Based on my limited knowledge of the subject, our issues require
integration tests more than unit tests.
I would love to know that some quick, easily implemented new feature didn't
bust something somewhere else. I am not trying to accomplish some
ridiculous holy grail of test-driven-development. I'd just like to have a
suite of tests that cover the basics.
I am finding this to be less of an issue as we gradually transition to a
more ds / object-oriented / type approach, but it's still an issue.
Any pointers?
- Justin
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Oct 27, 2015; 01:15
Ke Carlton
Re: Our Increasingly Complex Apps Need Testing