May 01
John Torres Checkbox set w/ multiple values
May 01, 2017; 23:20
John Torres
Checkbox set w/ multiple values
I'm searching the archives with no luck. Trying to find an example of how to handle a checkbox set when multiple values for the set will be selected by the user, and those values will then need to be added to a new record in a FMP field that has been set up as a checkbox set with an assigned value list.
The example is an event registration form. The user can register for each day of the 3-day conference separately. I've set up the days of the conference as options in a checkbox set. Any examples to share? Running Lasso 9.3 FMP/FMS 14.
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May 02
Jolle Carlestam Re: Checkbox set w/ multiple values
May 02, 2017; 08:01
Jolle Carlestam
Re: Checkbox set w/ multiple values
May 09
John Torres Re: Checkbox set w/ multiple values
May 09, 2017; 22:26
John Torres
Re: Checkbox set w/ multiple values